Set an example and show your consumer that your product is credible.

This is how it works
You have your products or services tested by us. The SHOW RESPECT jury consists of independent experts from the fields of sustainability, corporate ethics and product culture.
If your product or service complies with the SHOW RESPECT criteria, you have the right to credit your products or services with the SHOW RESPECT APPROVED label.

We do good with your money
A part of the income flows into our SHOW RESPECT projects. We support projects for children and young people as well as for disabled and challenged people from Switzerland.

Your ideas are needed
As a licensee, you can suggest new SHOW RESPECT projects that you would like to support. During the implementation of these projects we try to involve celebrities or professional sportsmen. Thus, the SHOW RESPECT campaign is supported and promoted by these role models and top athletes.

Would you like to have your product or service certified? Contact us!